Saturday, July 28, 2012

Okay let's use magic

Okay, I know, weird , 2 posts in one day. But I had to do another thing. So you know Harry Potter spells are weird words that are all mixed up and stuff. Well, I have created a few spells of my own. For example let's do the spell "Bubbleeto". It traps the other persons spell in a bubble. If you can come up with one call me ( oh I forgot only relatives and friends ) or leave a comment  with the spell. Thanks! Bye!!!

Jumping Off a Cliff

Okay, so have you ever been to Dierkes Lake? If you have you would of seen  people jumping off this cliff. Today I jumped off it. This is a video of me doing it. If you listen closely you can hear me screaming as I fall off a cliff. I'm going to do it again ( I hope.) And keep checking my blog every now and then to see what I write.
P.s Please leave a comment
PP.s Pretty Please
PPP.s Ha Ha!!! PP s

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Christensen seven

Hey, it's me Ryan. If you read this blog you will know a lot about me. But if you read the Christensen seven ( My mother's blog ) you will also learn a little bit about me. You see I am part of the Christensen seven. My mom sometimes writes about me. If you want to see the rest of the family you can just go here. Please leave a comment. But not a mean one.

Monday, May 7, 2012

a story a story a story etc.

Okay so I'm writing this book about about my camping trip to Balanced Rock Park. I've gotta thank my Aunt Jeaneen for giving my inspiration ( and 5 dollars soon ). THANK YOU AUNT JEANEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

P.s. I miss you Jeaneen

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I need money, money, MONEY!!!!!!!!!!

Okay this wii game is something I want and I hope my parents will help me with getting money to buy this. I need $14!!!! How will I get $14 . . . I ask for donations!!!!!! So if your willing send a few bucks to me I'll be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Brandon Mull

This is Brandon Mull!!!!!!! I got to meet him at Twin Falls Public Library. The Jones girls were there too.
My ear had 2 freckles!! Who knew?
( my mother ) :)

                                                             Me very bored waiting in line for Brandon Mull to sign my books.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

crazy things i do

Okay, so today I'm wondering "What am I going to post on my blog today?" and then mom gave an idea about the things I like about spring but then I have it! I should write about the crazy things I do to entertain myself!!! 
So first I do things I don't have to. So one day Mr.Zunino, my teacher, taught us a few letters of cursive and then I practice every letter almost every day. Then I turn in a sheet of all the lower cased letters in cursive.
Next I write little reports on stuff. Today I wrote a report on penguins at my friend's house ( I memorized the information from a book. )

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Creativity in the bath

Okay, so last night I took a bath and I found a pretty cool thing you can do. All you need is a bar of soap and a bathtub. First put in the drain, next turn on the water at a warm temperature. Let the water go until it's halfway full. keep it the water running. Then take the bar of soap and hold it under the running water and hold it there for a few minutes. then bubbles will come!!!!!!!!!! But not always stay for long.

                                          When the bubbles dissolve they leave a little soap that is now part of the water, gather it together and place your hand half in the water. Then lift your hand to see your hand print for a few seconds and then watch it turn into a Picasso painting!!!!

Monday, April 9, 2012


Today I got this new blog. I might post some crazy stuff, just to warn you before you read this. I really want to thank my mom for helping me with this. Today had no pain or anything worse ( I can't think of anything worse than pain right now except dying ) and school was great. My teacher Mr.Zunino found a power point of jeopardy for school and we played it. My question was so hard!!!!! Anyway my mom took me to a restaurant called La Fiesta, my favorite Mexican restaurant.  And I wonder who's reading this anyway. So I"m already told some of my friends about this and one of them, Abby, is going to help. And since post is random I am going to post random pictures ( not anything bad though )
 Harry potter and a pair of  someone's glasses.

 Professer Lockheart in Lego style.